Or maybe you back up your work but there's no set way you do it, so it gets a bit hit and miss.
I am guilty of this, when I am on the road travelling I always back up and keep separate copies as the risk of theft or damage is high, but when I get home I get a bit lax.
Well there is a great new eBook out called, "Backup or die"
Sounds dramatic, but those of you who have seen the blue screen of death or who have a hard drive fail know the sinking feeling of hours and hours if not months and even years of work going down the gurgler.
Apart from these things, there is also data corruption, disasters including fires and floods and even simple human error.
To keep your images or your work safe, you need at least 3 copies on 3 different hard drives, with one of those stored offsite.
That may sound expensive or complicated but these guys have worked it out for you....
The great news is that today is the launch of their book so if you get in quick you can get a discount of 40%, that's it's only US$23.00 but only available at this price for a limited time. A small price for insurance don't you think.
Click on the banner below and learn more. This small act of clicking the link could save your business and I can guarantee it will save you a lot of heartache.
Go on click it now.

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