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Julia's Web sites
Healing Art Photography and Fine Art Gifts
I believe in the healing power of nature. If we take a moment to immerse ourselves in an image of nature we will feel rejuvenated, renewed and revived. Studies have shown that what we look at not just affects our mood, but also how we relate to others and our attention to detail. So if your feeling stressed, run down or just deserve a break, look at the images under "Healing Art" and immerse yourself in them.
My new line of photo gifts enables you to have Healing Art with you wherever you go and also to give as gifts to those who may not be into wall art.
The photogifts include watches, clocks, clothing, hip flasks,keyrings, usb sticks, phone covers, ipad covers,kindle covers, cushions, cards, stickers and so much more. Click on the tab that says Photo Gifts to see them all.
I send out an e-newsletter to anyone who wants one, including a free monthly image to use as a screensaver or desktop image to help in your healing and to lower your overall stress levels. I also let you know what I am up to and include any specials or coupons. To subscribe please send me an email at with "Subscribe" in the subject line.
I send out an e-newsletter to anyone who wants one, including a free monthly image to use as a screensaver or desktop image to help in your healing and to lower your overall stress levels. I also let you know what I am up to and include any specials or coupons. To subscribe please send me an email at with "Subscribe" in the subject line.
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Friday, April 26, 2013
Albino Kangaroos
Have you ever seen an Albino Kangaroo? Click here to see them and sealions, koalas, kookaburras and an echidna -
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Backup or die
How many of you have thought, I should find ways to back up my work, but don't?
Or maybe you back up your work but there's no set way you do it, so it gets a bit hit and miss.
I am guilty of this, when I am on the road travelling I always back up and keep separate copies as the risk of theft or damage is high, but when I get home I get a bit lax.
Well there is a great new eBook out called, "Backup or die"
Sounds dramatic, but those of you who have seen the blue screen of death or who have a hard drive fail know the sinking feeling of hours and hours if not months and even years of work going down the gurgler.
Apart from these things, there is also data corruption, disasters including fires and floods and even simple human error.
To keep your images or your work safe, you need at least 3 copies on 3 different hard drives, with one of those stored offsite.
That may sound expensive or complicated but these guys have worked it out for you....
The great news is that today is the launch of their book so if you get in quick you can get a discount of 40%, that's it's only US$23.00 but only available at this price for a limited time. A small price for insurance don't you think.
Click on the banner below and learn more. This small act of clicking the link could save your business and I can guarantee it will save you a lot of heartache.
Go on click it now.
Or maybe you back up your work but there's no set way you do it, so it gets a bit hit and miss.
I am guilty of this, when I am on the road travelling I always back up and keep separate copies as the risk of theft or damage is high, but when I get home I get a bit lax.
Well there is a great new eBook out called, "Backup or die"
Sounds dramatic, but those of you who have seen the blue screen of death or who have a hard drive fail know the sinking feeling of hours and hours if not months and even years of work going down the gurgler.
Apart from these things, there is also data corruption, disasters including fires and floods and even simple human error.
To keep your images or your work safe, you need at least 3 copies on 3 different hard drives, with one of those stored offsite.
That may sound expensive or complicated but these guys have worked it out for you....
The great news is that today is the launch of their book so if you get in quick you can get a discount of 40%, that's it's only US$23.00 but only available at this price for a limited time. A small price for insurance don't you think.
Click on the banner below and learn more. This small act of clicking the link could save your business and I can guarantee it will save you a lot of heartache.
Go on click it now.

Monday, April 8, 2013
Freebies for everyone!!!
Don't you just love freebies and especially ones that interest you!!!
I have completely revamped my website and I'm excited about it so I want you all to go and have a look and 'like it" or G+ it so your friends know about it to.
I hate waiting till the end for the best bits, so here it is, there are freebies at the bottom of the new site at
Here's a snippet:
15 Tips for Better photography:
If you're just starting out, here are 15 important tips for getting better photos, every time.
Keep an eye on the weather
Weather conditions can play a big part in setting the mood of your shot. Rather than waiting for the bright light of the midday sun, a misty morning in a forest can be the perfect time of day for that mood-shot.
Take your time to choose the subject
Take your time to choose the subject, then spend time walking around the subject looking for the best angle and lighting.
Take your time to set up the shot
Don't be afraid to take your time to set up your shot. Although it can get a bit frustrating if you have your loved ones tagging along and they're sitting and waiting impatiently for 20 minutes for you to take a single shot of a piece of driftwood on the beach!
Don't always choose brightly-coloured subjects
Subjects with muted colours can sometimes produce excellent results. A field of wheat of similar yellow-brown colour can produce striking results when accompanied by a low-sun and long shadows....
Go to to read the full article.
I also have something very special happening under the Video blog..... so check it out and remember to add it to your bookmarks bar so you can be part of it......
I have completely revamped my website and I'm excited about it so I want you all to go and have a look and 'like it" or G+ it so your friends know about it to.
I hate waiting till the end for the best bits, so here it is, there are freebies at the bottom of the new site at
Here's a snippet:
15 Tips for Better photography:
If you're just starting out, here are 15 important tips for getting better photos, every time.
Keep an eye on the weather
Weather conditions can play a big part in setting the mood of your shot. Rather than waiting for the bright light of the midday sun, a misty morning in a forest can be the perfect time of day for that mood-shot.
Take your time to choose the subject
Take your time to choose the subject, then spend time walking around the subject looking for the best angle and lighting.
Take your time to set up the shot
Don't be afraid to take your time to set up your shot. Although it can get a bit frustrating if you have your loved ones tagging along and they're sitting and waiting impatiently for 20 minutes for you to take a single shot of a piece of driftwood on the beach!
Don't always choose brightly-coloured subjects
Subjects with muted colours can sometimes produce excellent results. A field of wheat of similar yellow-brown colour can produce striking results when accompanied by a low-sun and long shadows....
Go to to read the full article.
I also have something very special happening under the Video blog..... so check it out and remember to add it to your bookmarks bar so you can be part of it......
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Ever wanted to visit the horizontal falls, check out my video blog. |
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Mind Blowing
I have something amazing to share with you all.
I have heard about people seeing orbs, they appear to be different sized balls of energy or light that move around. Well a friend of mine has photographed some and asked me to come and sit amongst them.
Firstly let me say, although I very much believe in energy I also have a very logical mind. I had looked at her images and could not explain them, so to look for myself...WOW
I met her and we walked out into the night. The energy was very much one of peace and tranquillity, it was a beautiful night with lots of stars and no moon. I talked to these apparently invisible balls and asked them to come and be with us. I noticed something move across the sky, but before I could focus on it it was gone, so out with the camera.
I put the camera on automatic and just started flashing away, at first nothing but black sky, then suddenly as I took the photo the air around us was filled with tiny lights, almost like a twinkling. We continued taking pics, when the twinkling was there I had orbs in my photo, when not I didn't.
I asked the beings if they were from the heavenly realm? and their numbers increased dramatically. I asked if they were physical beings passed over and there were none, I waited and asked again, are you an energy form that doesn't want to be pigeon holed? There were more and more of them.
My friend and I began talking about a situation, talking about some negative stuff and the energy shifted. They had gone, you could feel it. I asked my friend, "Did you feel that?" She said "Yes, they all left"
My friend and I began talking about a situation, talking about some negative stuff and the energy shifted. They had gone, you could feel it. I asked my friend, "Did you feel that?" She said "Yes, they all left"
Wow, I knew how important our words are but this was amazing. We apologized and sat for a while thinking thought of gratitude and love and they came back.
Look at the images for yourself, the bigger the better. On some of them you can see the movement of the orbs, often in different directions to each other and others perfectly focused dead still in the same frame.
There are some coloured ones and some seem more transparent that others. I have done a closeup of two of them.
None of these have been p. I tried removing dust and scratches in photoshop, tried reducing noise, tried de speckle and they were still there. As you see in some of them they are quite thick and then in the next one there was none. With the two of us photographing we could take more images quicker. We couldn't believe how fast they moved.
Here are the pictures, I will leave it up to you to make up your own mind. For me it was an amazing, mind blowing experience.
Firstly let me say, although I very much believe in energy I also have a very logical mind. I had looked at her images and could not explain them, so to look for myself...WOW
I put the camera on automatic and just started flashing away, at first nothing but black sky, then suddenly as I took the photo the air around us was filled with tiny lights, almost like a twinkling. We continued taking pics, when the twinkling was there I had orbs in my photo, when not I didn't.
Wow, I knew how important our words are but this was amazing. We apologized and sat for a while thinking thought of gratitude and love and they came back.
Look at the images for yourself, the bigger the better. On some of them you can see the movement of the orbs, often in different directions to each other and others perfectly focused dead still in the same frame.
There are some coloured ones and some seem more transparent that others. I have done a closeup of two of them.
Here are the pictures, I will leave it up to you to make up your own mind. For me it was an amazing, mind blowing experience.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Behind the Smiles
I was recently asked to do a photo essay. I thought long and hard about what I wanted that to be about. I have many amazing photos that I could share, but I chose this one because it is the one closest to my heart. These are by no means the best pictures I have taken or great works, but they carry the most profound message.
What lies behind the smiles of everyday people....this is my families story.
Behind the Smiles Photo Essay
What lies behind the smiles of everyday people....this is my families story.
Behind the Smiles Photo Essay
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Tired of posts that tell you how to increase traffic or make millions? Met too!!!
I am sick of getting millions of emails telling me how to build lists or earn amazing sums of money, how about you?
I am sending you this email to tell you about a place you can buy all your gift need, saving you time and money. It is my store, called Healing Art Gifts.
Healing Rt is art/photography that depicts nature scenes that have been shown to promote health and well being and reduce stress. By getting a gift depicting these images, you are giving a double gift, the actual product and you will be contributing to the persons well being!
There are gifts for men, for women, for kids, for the home, the garden and just for fun.
You can also personalize the gift by adding a name, text an icon. How great would it be. Robe able to give someone an iPad cover with their name on it, or give a birthday gift with"Happy 30th Birthday" or a special text just from you to them.
You can even add your own photos. Know someone who has lost a partner, friend or pet?give them a gift with that persons photo on it.
I recently gave someone a USB hub with a picture of their dog on it. It sits by the computer and brings a smile to their face.
There is no end to what you can do. Let your creativity run wild.
Want a special Mothers Day gift? Why not take a photo of the children's artwork or get them to put there handprints in paint on a peice of paper, take a phot of it and upload it to a gift and hey presto, you will have a gift Mum will treasure forever.
Is your Mum or Dadin a care facility, buy them a canvas of Healing Art to brighten their room and lift their spirit. I have work that I have donated in hospices and hospitals all around the world.
My goal is to bring the outside in, so that you may enjoy the wonder of nature wherever you are.
I trytokeep my prices low and the postage costs reasonable so that there is something for everyone.
I hope you enjoy the shop and find that special something for that special someone:)
Http:// if you have any questions or need any help please email me at
I am constantly adding both products and images to the shop, so bookmark it to check back again. If you after after a special product or image let me know and I will see if I can help you.
Thank you
Julia Harwood

Sunday, February 17, 2013
Just Be
Today I want to encourage you to just practice Being.
To do this all you need to do is stop doing and just be. Whatever you do, just rest in it, engross yourself in it and just be.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Valentines Day | Healing Art - Photography Gifts by Julia K Harwood
Get your valentines cards and gifts here. Use coupon "SAVEmeMONEY" to get an extrsa 10% off (my valentines gift to you:)
Valentines Day | Healing Art - Photography Gifts by Julia K Harwood
Valentines Day | Healing Art - Photography Gifts by Julia K Harwood
We reap what we sow
Wow have I had a big learning curve this weekend.
After discovering many of my images used on the net without my knowing I got very indignant, how could they, etc etc. I became very stewed up and anxious. Then someone's reply to one of my rather abrupt emails made me stop and think.
If we send out, via the internet, through our words, our thoughts or our actions negativity then this is what we will get back, but if we send out love and forgiveness we will get love and forgiveness back.
I replied to the email that made me stop and take stock and discovered a very caring and thoughtful person who has actually offered to help me.
I am not going to pursue looking up "My" images as I realise that they are not "mine", but a gift that God has given me to share with others. It would be wonderful if people would put a link back to my site and acknowledge me as the photographer, but ultimately it is God who provides for me in all ways including financially.
I was once told you can't out give God and I truly believe this.
I challenge you all to try this, if someone upsets you or is nasty to you, be nice to them in response and see what happens.
After discovering many of my images used on the net without my knowing I got very indignant, how could they, etc etc. I became very stewed up and anxious. Then someone's reply to one of my rather abrupt emails made me stop and think.
If we send out, via the internet, through our words, our thoughts or our actions negativity then this is what we will get back, but if we send out love and forgiveness we will get love and forgiveness back.
I replied to the email that made me stop and take stock and discovered a very caring and thoughtful person who has actually offered to help me.
I am not going to pursue looking up "My" images as I realise that they are not "mine", but a gift that God has given me to share with others. It would be wonderful if people would put a link back to my site and acknowledge me as the photographer, but ultimately it is God who provides for me in all ways including financially.
I was once told you can't out give God and I truly believe this.
I challenge you all to try this, if someone upsets you or is nasty to you, be nice to them in response and see what happens.
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Their are always angels watching over us:) |
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Stolen...or not?
It is with sadness that I write this post.
I have a question for you. Should an artist charge for their work?
I share my images and if I am asked I allow people to use my images in blogs etc as long as they credit the work to me and put a link back to one of my sites.
You can now see where your images are on the Internet using a reverse image search. I did one on just one of me images and found 4 pages of illegal use.
If someone stole from a shop it is shoplifting, yet they say if it is on the Internet you should expect to get it stolen. What a sad world we live in.
All I can hope is that their readers gain the benefit of Healing Art. What do you my readers think, should I try to get them taken down or credit given or should I just ignore it?
I will post the image here so at least you guys can enjoy it:)
I have a question for you. Should an artist charge for their work?
I share my images and if I am asked I allow people to use my images in blogs etc as long as they credit the work to me and put a link back to one of my sites.
You can now see where your images are on the Internet using a reverse image search. I did one on just one of me images and found 4 pages of illegal use.
If someone stole from a shop it is shoplifting, yet they say if it is on the Internet you should expect to get it stolen. What a sad world we live in.
All I can hope is that their readers gain the benefit of Healing Art. What do you my readers think, should I try to get them taken down or credit given or should I just ignore it?
I will post the image here so at least you guys can enjoy it:)
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Yes I have now added a watermark:( |
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
What's Happening???
Hi all, sorry I have been a while between posts. We arrived safely back from our travels, but I was so exhausted that I have been mostly on bed rest. Beginning to pick up. Touring is so much different to holidaying....give me holidaying anyday!
I have not been completely idle, I have opened up a new online shop for photographic gifts. But this is a store with a difference, you can customise your products, add names or places or slogans, you can even add your own images! Great if you live in a tourist area and want to sell souveniers. If you need a particular image for a gift please just email me as I probably already have one. My email is
Where is this shop? go along and check it out. Forgot to mention great prices and postage is not exorbidant. (as in some online shops)
I have also joined a new online community for photographers. This is for all of you from rank amateurs to proffessionals. It's a place to share your images, get constructive feedback, do tutorials, learn new stuff, ask questions, get answers and hang out with other photographers and if you like you can even set up your own FREE store!
If you join, when it asks you if a friend invited you please put "yes" and when asked who put "Julia Harwood" then I can connect with you on there, look at your images and add you as a friend.
The site is

I have not been completely idle, I have opened up a new online shop for photographic gifts. But this is a store with a difference, you can customise your products, add names or places or slogans, you can even add your own images! Great if you live in a tourist area and want to sell souveniers. If you need a particular image for a gift please just email me as I probably already have one. My email is
Where is this shop? go along and check it out. Forgot to mention great prices and postage is not exorbidant. (as in some online shops)
I have also joined a new online community for photographers. This is for all of you from rank amateurs to proffessionals. It's a place to share your images, get constructive feedback, do tutorials, learn new stuff, ask questions, get answers and hang out with other photographers and if you like you can even set up your own FREE store!
If you join, when it asks you if a friend invited you please put "yes" and when asked who put "Julia Harwood" then I can connect with you on there, look at your images and add you as a friend.

These are some of the gifts!!!
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