Often we struggle with the cards life deals us, whether it is physically, emotionally, financially or the lives of our loved ones, so how do we handle this? I can only speak from my personal experience and what others have shared with me, and I am still learning every day. When we were selling our house & buying "Rosie" there was a lot of things going wrong causing stress and frustration, but I learnt a lot from the man we brought her off. He had had cancer and is now in remission & his whole attitude was, "don't worry about it, it will work out how it's supposed to". This is often easy to say when we are not in a stressful situation, but he was in the situation with us. Settlement was supposed to go through on the 18th April, but didn't end up going through till 24th May, so he had to wait all that time for his money, yet he said, "worrying won't make it happen, just let it take it's course" Good advice, but not something I was able to do , so I had a massive flare up & was in a world of pain. It didn't change anything & he was right it all worked out in the end. So I encourage you to try, as I am, to give things over to the universe or to God and trust that they will work out for the best.
I found the only way to get stress relief during this time was to spend time out in nature, for me that meant walks on the beach and grabbing my camera & taking pics.