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Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Beautiful Prayer
God said, "No, it is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up."
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,
God said, "No, his spirit is whole, his body is only temporary."
I asked God to grant me patience,
God said, "No, patience is a by product of tribulations, it isn't granted, it is learned."
I asked God to give me happiness,
God said, "No, I give you blessings, happiness is up to you."
I asked God to spare me pain and depression,
God said, "No,suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me."
I asked God to make my spirit grow,
God said, "No, you must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful."
I asked God for money and all things that I might enjoy in life,
God said, "No, I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things."
I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me,
God Said...."Ahhhhhh, finally you have the idea."
Today is yours, don't throw it away.
May God bless you
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
I leave these words with you that they may bring you hope and encouragement.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Something about you're health everyone should know...
A machine called QXCI/SCIO.
The SCIO/QXCI machine saved my life…. it sounds a bit far fetched, well here’s my story.
I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 2000. As a result I ended up on a huge cocktail of medications, which was giving me a quality of life, but the side effect was that after six years my organs began to fail. My thyroid wasn’t working, my liver was barely functioning, my kidneys were at about 25 per cent and my cholesterol was through the roof. The doctors were in panic mode. If they did nothing I would die, if they took me off my medications I would end up confined to a mental institution … not much of a choice.
I had heard of Tamara, Harmony Health, and the machine so, in desperation, decided to give it a go. The first thing the machine picked up was that I was bipolar. That in itself was amazing as there is no medical test they can do to diagnose Bipolar, it is diagnosed by a psychologist. Tamara explained she hadn’t treated anyone for Bipolar, so she wasn’t sure how effective it would be. Her honesty was refreshing but I had nothing to lose so said: “Let’s give it a go”.
All I really wanted was for my organs to be working again so I could keep taking my medication.
After a two hour session on the machine the readings said my thyroid was fully functional, my kidneys were at 75 per cent , my liver at 50 per cent and my cholesterol lower. I went away happy that I could keep taking my medication and the machine would help keep my organs functioning. Well the best was yet to come.
After three days I started to feel really drugged, something that had never happened to me before. I rang my psychologist and told him what I had done and what was happening. He said I needed to decrease my medication. I did this under his supervision over the next month and at the end of that time I was drug free and mentally stable.
Many people who suffer with mental illness think when they are well that they don't need their medication. This was not the case for me, if I missed even one dose I was a mess and usually ended up in hospital. For me to even decrease my medication was a huge step.
I was astounded, as were my family and my doctors. I went on the machine every two months for the next year and saw my psychologist regularly. After 12 months my Psychologist said he couldn’t say I was cured because there was no such thing as a cure for Bipolar but I didn’t need medication and I didn’t need to see him anymore.
This was actually a very scary moment as I relied on my psycologist, he was my rock and my safe harbour. I said, "What if I NEED to see you". He said, "If you need me I am here, ring, but I don't think you will."
That was five years ago. I am still medication- free and have not had any bipolar episodes. In that time, I have moved to a country town, leaving my son and friends behind, my husband has retired, my granddaughter was diagnosed with leukaemia , my husband was told he has a incurable bone marrow disease and I have travelled, all things which would normally trigger an episode. I still go on the machine once every six months and, as I live in the country, have been treated a number of times in “sub space”, this means from a distance and not attached to the machine, using a saliva sample.
I would recommend that everyone goes on the machine, even if it is just once for a diagnosis and initial treatment. We spend time and money getting our car serviced and we can replace that. How much more important is it to service our bodies and minds which cannot be replaced? Even if you use it just as an early warning system. The early we recognize a problem the easier it is to treat.
Patients go through a process similar to a virus-scan on a computer, looking for potential stressors such: as viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, imbalances, abnormalities and food sensitivities.
It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities. The information provided is fundamentally different from X-rays or blood tests, as it tells us about the energetic state of your body and the direction in which the body is focusing its energy.
The QXCI/SCIO can measure and balance your individual stress response to over 9000 stressors. These include but are not limited to: pathogens (bacterias, fungi and parasites), organ tissues, emotional factors, hormonal and spinal imbalances. The system feeds back a gentle rebalancing frequency to redress these stressors and bring the body back to its natural balance point. The initial consultation generally takes one hour with follow-up consults the same.
Like many new concepts, QXCI/SCIO has its detractors. Patients have found the information presented to be beneficial.
I would add a note of caution here. It is the machine in the hands of a qualified specialist that is the key. Check out the person who is using the machine, check their credentials and ask for some testimonials.
I can only share with you what my experience was and also the others I have referred to Tamara. I could share story after story of how it has worked. For more testimonials see
I do not receive anything for sharing this information, it is just something I think everyone should know about.
The man who invented this is Dr William Nelson, he worked for NASA and was instramental in bringing Apollo 13 back to earth safely.
To read the story of the man who invented this go to
Required Disclaimer: The SCIO system is to be used as a Biofeedback Multimedia System. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose or treat. Only a Licensed Practitioner can diagnose a patient. For the diagnosis or treatment of any disease please contact your licensed physician. No claims are made of the system or of its results.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Art Market Online
I am excited to be part of this new venture.
Please check out my art and also the other artists in the gallery.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Rare Phenomenum, Uluru in the Rain
Most longtime residents of Central Australia know that the sight of rain
on the rock is a rare phenomenon.
Some say less than 1% of visitors ever get to see it in the rain!!!
Many wait years and never get to see it.
I was there during a rain storm in August. We were getting ready to leave and the rain started coming down. We took off out there from Yalara, caravan and all. As we approached the rock the sight was truely spectacular. Uluru in the mist, covered with waterfalls.
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Uluru appearing out of the fog with waterfalls pouring off her. | A truely rare and spectacular penomonum! |
Create a Healing Place
To me a healing place is somewhere you can go to take time out. A place of quite or soothing music. A place you can be on your own. A place that is nurturing to the body, mind and spirit.
I am fortunate, my healing place is the beach. I have a beautiful beach down the road which except during holiday season is deserted. I walk down on the white sand and it massages my feet, the wind gently blows my hair as the suns rays warm my skin. I look out across the vast ocean and know that all is well in the world. I am at peace.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Surviving Christmas
I wanted to introduce you all to Kimberley.
She runs the Centre for Authentic Self Development.
If you are like me, you would like to be your authentic self always, but often spending time with family over the holiday season makes that seem impossible. So often we try to be who our families want us to be, or what we percieve they want us to be, or we fall into the age old patterns that were part of our growing up.
These are some of the tips Kimberley emailed me to coping with the holiday season.
1. Take time to remember why your celebrating in the first place. (It would be very lonely if family weren't there)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Gaze at the Moon
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas gifts for all ages
Some ideas that came out of the discussion were
- Art - it could be hung on the wall and was something good to remember people by.
- Experiences - Something that they could do that they might not otherwise think of or have the funds for.
- Dining out vouchers - giving them time they could spend with their loved one.
One thing that a couple had received was a weekend away, nice gift, but out of the price range of a lot of people. He said it was great to get in touch with nature and have some time to de-stress, which is fantastic if you can manage the time off. But what do you do for those you know can't get time off or can't leave the kids, how can you give them a gift that will help them?
One answer is "Healing Art". Art that goes on the wall, so doesn't take up floor space and that gives them the healing gift of nature without them having to even leave home.
Studies have shown that spending time looking at images of nature helps you to de-stress and gives you a greater sense of community, so you are then more likely to make time for your family and friends whereas otherwise it may not have been a priority.
So if you are interested in experiences I would recommend Red Balloon or if you would like Healing Art then check out Red Bubble.
My site on Red Bubble is so you can check out my healing art, but there are also lots of other great artists on there too. They also sell gift vouchers.
Remember at the end of it all if you are feeling stressed and worn out, give yourself a gift by allowing yourself some time out in nature, even if its sitting outside with a cuppa or if your stuck in the office, have a look at some nature images on your computer and allow nature to work her magic!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wellness Continued
Wellness is the pursuit of the best health possible through fit body, balanced mind and peaceful spirit.
- Increase self esteem, self worth, optimism and confidence
- Help forget your own physical or emotional pain
- Help decrease stress and acts as a stress release
- Improve immune response
- Decrease feelings of depression and self doubt
- Increase sense of balance and over all well being
Increase self esteem, self worth, optimism and confidence. As we decrease depression & self doubt we also increase self worth and optimism.
What is self Esteem?
Your self-esteem is the way you look at yourself. If you have good self-esteem it means that you like yourself and you believe that you are as 'OK' as everyone else.
- Increase self esteem, self worth, optimism and confidence
- Help forget your own physical or emotional pain
- Help decrease stress and acts as a stress release
- Improve immune response
- Decrease feelings of depression and self doubt
- Increase sense of balance and over all well being
Whoa! I hear you exclaim, that's a pretty tall order.
Lets break it down into more manageable pieces.
I'm going to change the order a bit here too.
Firstly, I think that until we can decrease the stress in our lives and find something that works as a stress release for us we are unable to focus on the other things as it all becomes too overwhelming and just another list of things we can't quite find time to get to.
So lets look at stress.
What is it?
Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress.
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. Now we need to understand there is good stress as well as bad.
Our bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood when there is a new demand on it.
These chemicals either give us more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger, or a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.
So basically good stress is when we have a demand on us and our body produces the chemicals to help us deal with this demand. A bad stress is when we peceive a demand and the chemicals are released, but we have no way of using these chemicals and so they build up in our system.
An example of bad stress is worrying. We think something bad 'might' happen and so our body releases chemicals to help us deal with the actual situation, but it hasn't 'actually' happened, we have just imagined it might happen, and so there is nowhere for these chemicals to go and so our body gets stressed.
Some common stresses today are survival stress, internal stress, enviromental stress & work stress. To read more about these go to
People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns.
We need to find ways to release this stress.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Great tips for looking good in family photos
For the face:
• Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you smile. It reduces the double-chin effect.
• Keep your chin down for a flattering line. Tilting your head up in excitement puts you at risk of nostril-cam.
• Say cheese! This is not as silly as it sounds. It opens your mouth into a natural smile. If you don’t want to be in the photo, get out!
There are lots more tips in the full article.
To read more click on the link in the article header.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
All human pain is caused by words...
"We create words to define our experiences and those words bring attendant emotions that jerk us around like dogs on a leash. We get seduced by our own mantras (I'm a failure....I'm lonely...I'm a failure....I'm lonely...) and we become monuments to them. To stop talking for a while , then, is to attempt to strip away the power of words." This is from Eat, Pray,Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
When I read this I thought YES!!! This is so true. but if we stop talking our thoughts take over for us with more words and often these are more compelling as we can hear them more clearly when we aren't talking. This is one of the reasons people try to stay busy as much as possible, they are trying to escape this incessant thoughts or words.
But the only way to stop these incessant thoughts is to listen to them and refute them. Give them your full atttention for a few minutes and then senf them away. They remind me of small children when Mum is talking with friends, they tug on mum's dress going "Mun, mum, mum, mum,..." over and over again until Mum gives them a moment of her undivided attention, addresses what they need and sends them off to play. We need to do this with our thoughts.
- Stop and listen to them
- Address them and the issues. ie I'm a failure... Am I really? Is EVERYTHING I do a failure?
- Say to the thought, NO!~I may fail at some things, but so does everyone, it's part of being human. I am okay!
- Send them on their way. ie Ok I've heard you now & we know you are exagerating so off you go.
If we do this we will find our words start to bring us joy instead of pain.
Often finding time and a place for quite reflection is hard so if you want to set up a healing or quite place look at my "Healing Art" images and add one to your room so that you can sit and contemplate a beautiful nature scene while you give time to your thoughts and dealing with them.
If you want to know more please leave a comment or contact me.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Special Moments

You choose an image you like or you think the person you are buying for would like and then tell me what you would like written on the image. It can be as simple as "Celebrating the wedding of ..... and..... on the xX/xx/xxxx." Or it can be a poem or words of meaning to you or them. Often people chose one of the sunset images for this but any image can be used. I can still organize this in time for Christmas if you would like it as a gift.
Please email me details of what you would like on image & I will do it at no extra cost.
My email is
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What's your word?
Let me start with an excerpt from the book.
"Don't you know that the secret to understanding a city and its people is to learn - what is the word of the street." If you could read people's thoughts as they were passing you on the streets of any given place, you would discover that most of them are thinking the same thought. Whatever the majority thought might be - that is the word of the city. And if your personal word doesn't match that of the city, then you really don't belong there.
It went on to say Rome's word is "Sex", The Vatican's word is "Power", New York's "achieve", Los Angeles is "Succeed"
So what is your word?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
20% off all white tees for Christmas!!
Nature Makes Us More Caring, Study Says
"Stopping to experience our natural surroundings can have social as well as personal benefits," says Richard Ryan, coauthor and professor of psychology, psychiatry and education at the University of Rochester. While the salubrious effects of nature are well documented, from increasing happiness and physical health to lowering stress, this study shows that the benefits extend to a person's values and actions. Exposure to natural as opposed to man-made environments leads people to value community and close relationships and to be more generous with money, find Ryan and his team of researchers at the University of Rochester.
On a personal level, Weinstein says the take home message from the research is clear: "We are influenced by our environment in ways that we are not aware of," she says. Because of the hidden benefits of connecting with nature, people should take advantage of opportunities to get away from built environments and, when inside, they should surround themselves with plants, natural objects, and images of the natural world. "The more you appreciate nature, the more you can benefit," she says.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
*Ladies Only* BREWING up something you’ll like!
Are you ready to give your life a JOLT? Today, you have the opportunity to receive THE ULTIMATE LIFE BOOST! This is one of the most INVIGORATING announcements I’ve ever sent to you, and I definitely think you will want to be part of the BUZZ!
Julie Clark, founder of The Inspirational Coffee Club, is launching her beautiful new book, Inspirational Coffee Breaks for Women: 12 Ground Rules for Pouring Your Heart into Life. This unique guide for life is OVERFLOWING with heartwarming stories, thoughtful reflection questions, and rich wisdom to help you discover creative, new ways to REVITALIZE and RENEW your life. It’s a true DOSE of encouragement for the soul! (And you don’t have to be a coffee lover to enjoy it!) It’s the perfect gift to WARM-UP the Holidays and PERK UP the New Year for you or any woman in your life!
To celebrate the launch of the new book, Julie is hosting the world’s largest ‘INSPIRATIONAL COFFEE BREAK’ TODAY, Tuesday, November 16th, to help women REFILL that part of themselves that gets POURED out in the DAILY GRIND. When you purchase the book TODAY from, you will receive an EXTRA JOLT of BONUS GIFTS from over 90 other INVIGORATING authors and entrepreneurs from across the world. I’ve been invited to be one of those involved in this amazing event and am BRIMMING with excitement to share it with you.
Order your copy TODAY and receive over 90 FREE EXTRA JOLT BONUS GIFTS at:
Here's what a few who've gotten a 'Sneak Peek' of the new book have to say:
"I have never read a book that I couldn't wait to read again, with highlighter in hand to mark the areas that were especially touching. It made me laugh, it made me cry. A book that truly warmed my heart and inspired my soul."
"This is a MUST read book.... Its unique and will definitely get you jump-started to a new you."
"Whether you are a working woman, a stay at home mom, or a young woman just out of college, this book will touch and motivate you to become a better person. The way that Julie has poured her heart and soul into this book to help and encourage others is truly magical. You will leave this book feeling rejuvenated and inspired."
THE PERFECT BLEND of encouragement, humor, self-reflection and easy-to-apply action steps, Inspirational Coffee Breaks for Women will to inspire you to never stop DREAMING, never stop LOVING, never stop PERSEVERING, and never stop getting EVERY LAST DROP out of each and every day!
Get your copy of Inspirational Coffee Breaks for Women TODAY and receive over 90 complimentary gifts to help you improve in all areas of your life.
It’s truly the PERFECT GIFT to WARM-UP the Holiday Season for yourself or any wonderful woman in your life—Moms, Daughters, Friends, Aunts, Grandma’s, or Co-workers!
GIVE YOUR LIFE A JOLT TODAY and enjoy this one-of-a-kind ‘INSPIRATIONAL COFFEE BREAK’ event. Let’s face it—you spend so much time POURING your wonderful self out to others. Let TODAY be the day you FILL YOURSELF BACK UP with inspiration and motivation for BREWING more HAPPINESS, SUCCESS and JOY!
With Warmth,
P.S. As you know, coffee is always best when shared with others. Here’s 2 ways to share this one-of-a-kind JOLT with friends: 1). Forward a copy of this email to friends who could also use a BOOST. 2). Buy multiple copies and give them as Holiday gifts to the women you cherish most! Go to
Monday, November 15, 2010
Spending time in
Spending time in nature makes people feel more alive, study shows
Feeling sluggish? The solution may require getting outside the box - that big brick-and-mortar box called a building.
If you click on the title of this blog it will take you to the full article, which tells us about a study on how important it is to spend time in nature.
For those of us who don't have the time, the means or the opportunity to do this, the next best thing is to have images of nature all around you so that you can still immerse yourself in nature.
When we are actually out in nature, we not only see, we hear and smell, so art does not give you the full experience but it definitly helps. If you spend time looking at an image of the ocean, then you add the sounds of the ocean you will gain even more benefit. Finally spray the room with an ocean scent and you will be amazed at how realistic it becomes.
If you click on the "Healing Art" tab above, you can get yourself an image and begin the process.
You may not be able to afford a full holiday to the beach, but you can give your body mind and spirit the lift it needs.
Enjoy every day by adding the beauty of nature to your surroundings wherever they may be.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Photography tips Getting your photos from your camera to you computer
This is a step by step guide that you can print out and follow.
If you get stuck, just email me...I am always happy to help.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
We are all Disabled!
Please explain?.....
Disability does not have to be a physical thing we can see or a mental illness we can quantify, it can be emotional scars, chronic conditions, and much more.
Lets look at the definition of "disabled"
According to Wikapedia:
"A disability in humans may be physical, cognitive/mental, sensory, emotional, developmental or some combination of these."
In plain English, a disability is something that affects the way we get along in society.
For example.When we see a blind person we automatically realize they have a disability, they usually have a cane or a guide dog to help them, but are they any more disabled than the person with emotional scars that no-one can see and that continually gets hit by the preverbial bus when it comes to realtionships.
If a person was physically hit by a bus we would see the damage, either as a fatality or serious physical injury, but what about the person hit by an emotional bus, we see them all the time, people constantly making poor choices and then lamenting about how bad things always happen to them. These people are just as disabled as the blind person, in some cases more so, as they don't see they have a disability and take the necessary measures to compensate for it.
So why write a blog about it?
Because I believe that if we realize that we all have disabilities we will realize that people with obvious disabilities are no different than the rest of us. We are all people, all trying to get along in society the best we can. People with disabilities do not need to be condescended to or treated any different to anyone else, we are all in the same boat.
Also unless we realize we have a problem we can't treat it. How many people have we heard of have a disease but no symptoms until it's too late, but if it had been caught earlier it could have been cured.
The same goes for disabilities, as we recognize them we can take steps to either overcome them or learn to live with them in a productive way.
So the question is, "What disabilities do you have?"
Do you have allergies, a chronic illness, arthritis, chrones, pain, emotional scars from previous relationships, your upbringing, your religion, your nationality, over sensitivity, lack of emotional connection.....the list goes on and on.
Perhaps now is a good time to rethink those with disabilities and realize we are all the same. Next time you see someone with an obvious disability smile at them knowing you to have your disabilities, just not as obvious and may we all work towards a healthier life, physically, spiritually and mentally.
I have many disabilities and have found that nature is a wonderful healing balm and I receive that healing on a daily basis through my photography and immersing myself in nature. I realize many people cannot do this & so I have "Healing Art" prints that you can have in your home or your office or even a care facility to enable you too, to experience the healing balm of nature.
I wish you peace, love and happiness....and remember for ALL of us healing is an ongoing kind to yourself and others.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Signiture Series
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 - Missing you... - Missing you...
I have just joined Nudgems and am doing cards with them.
This is my first one!
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Power of Thoughts
How would it be if everyone could see and hear our thoughts as we think them.....
I hear the screams...NO WAY....and yet it seems to be happening more & more, we see in the news when someone has been fired for what they said on Facebook or Twitter. We tend to put our thoughts down, without really thinking and then post them for the world to see.
Is this a bad thing or a good thing.
The bad is obvious from what we see in the news and hear ourselves when the wrong person reads those thoughts, but could good come out of this as well?
We are starting to think about our thoughts!
Thoughts have always been said to be powerful and yet so often it is an automatic function that we don't pay much attention to & yet suddenly , if you are like me, you are begining to see your thoughts and think about how others would percieve them if we put them into cyberspace.
This can just cause people to push their thoughts down and live in a pollyanna state, but what if we were to use this as a tool to look at our thoughts and deal with them as we think them.
Let me give you an example. I have just heard that I have to have an operation, my first thoughts are, what if they find something bad, what if I don't survive the op, what if I pick up a bug from the hospital?
Notice they are all negative.
Because I am more aware of them now I can take that one step further and analyse them.
First one, What if they find something bad...if they do then at least we will know what to do to fix it and if they don't we don't have to worry anymore, so this is actually a good thing.
Second one, what if I don't survive the op, this is a risk for anyone, but a very small risk and if it happens then I won't know about it, none of us know when our time is up, so it gives me a chance to get my affairs in order just in case, another positive.
Third one, what if I pick up a bug. It is again unlikely, but if it happend we'll deal with it.
So if I was to restate my thoughts it would be, "I have to have an exploritory op, but thats good because we will know what we need to do so I don't get sick again"
Suddenly its not a catastrophe, mearly another part of life. So if we can use this caution we need to exercise with social networking and our thoughts we can turn it into a wonderful, positive tool that will help us and those around us.
Give it a try and let me know how you get on.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Healing Art Photograhy
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Tropical Sunset |
Good question. I beleive that spending time in nature helps heal our bodies, our souls and our minds. So often today life is so fast paste that we get up, go to work, come home, do the chores, go to bed and then start all over again the next day,. Never having time out to destress and it is that that is behind so many of the ailments we suffer today. Spending time immersing yourself in nature is very healing & theraputic.
BUT i hear you say, I don't have time. Thats where healing art photography comes in. I take images of nature and make them available for you so that if you can't get out in nature, nature can come in to you. Be it in the office or the home. Put a healing art image up on your wall and spend 5 minutes a day, at least, just sitting and looking into it, imaging that you were there and feel the stress dissapaiting out of your body. I am amazed at how even looking at a nature screensaver for a few minutes will lift my mood, give it a try and see for yourself. I have a collection of images at that you can also look at.
I hope you will find this helpful and benificial.
Please remember to click on the "Follow" button to follow this blog and I will keep you up to date on new images and specials as well as helpful articles and links.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Take A Break
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
"My Story"
I was told in 1991 that I would never work again, I was put in a very restricting back brace and told to be happy I was alive & not in a wheelchair.
Needless to say I was far from happy….. I was depressed and disillusioned.
I needed something to occupy me & lift me out of this negative mind set.
I thought, “What can I do?”"
Friday, September 17, 2010
Blog Archive
- Great tips for looking good in family photos
- All human pain is caused by words...
- Special Moments
- What's your word?
- Card Gnome - Pink roses Wedding card greeting card
- 20% off all white tees for Christmas!!
- Nature Makes Us More Caring, Study Says
- *Ladies Only* BREWING up something you’ll like!
- Spending time in
- Photography tips Getting your photos from your cam...
- We are all Disabled!
- Signiture Series
- - Freddo Frog Christmas Card
- - Missing you...
- The Power of Thoughts
- Healing Art Photograhy
- Take A Break
- Spiders